Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Element & Performance Criteria Essay

1. What documentation could you expect to receive when you are asked to undertake a project? Apart from the written documentation, you might need to obtain additional information. What could this be? Why is it important to get all this information before you start your project? Your Answer: You could expect to receive a copy of the contract or agreement, the project brief and project plans. You will also need to know who your stakeholders are and what outcomes are expected, the reporting requirements, inclusions and exclusions, timeframe for milestones, quality standards and resources available to you. You need to understand completely what is expected, what time frame and the resources available and ensure nothing has been left out as you may not be able to ask for extra time or resources once the project has commenced. 2. Why is it important to check out the relationship of your project to both your organisation’s objectives and to other projects? What could be the outcomes if you don’t check these out? Your Answer: You need to ensure your project is in line with your company’s overall objectives to ensure other departments you are working with have ample time to respond to any requests from your team and ensure less disruption to work flow. As you may have some part time staff on your team you also need to ensure project work does not take away them away from their daily duties. You need to make sure that anything you develop works into the established procedures and can easily be adapted to work straight away. Your project wouldn’t be successful if you cannot integrate the end product easily into the company functions. QUESTION 2 0 Satisfactory 0 Not Yet Satisfactory Element & Performance Criteria1.2 1. In any project, there are the direct or formal stakeholders as well as informal stakeholders. How would you go about determining these? Why would you need to know who the informal stakeholders are? Your Answer: You are undertaking a project on behalf of stakeholders so you need to be aware of who they are. You must remember the project mantra is â€Å"satisfying the stakeholders†. Depending on the project you need to work out if it is being undertaken for a customer, a department, funding body, management, sponsor or key personnel to establish their vested interest and better understand the outcomes required for them. As you will need to supply progress reports, you will need to understand who the stakeholder is and what information you can be disclosed to them. Knowing who your stakeholders are can also work in your favour as you can use their vested interest to gain the assets you need. QUESTION 3 0 Satisfactory 0 Not Yet Satisfactory Element & Performance Criteria1.3, 1.6 1. When you are asked to take on a project, you need to know the project brief, but there are many other details you need to have, including items such as legislative requirements, risks, resources and so on. What items should be on your checklist to make sure you are clear on the project, its parameters and the resources available to you? Your Answer: You will need to know the following: Legislative and quality standards – government regulations Physical, human and technical resources available – full / part time staff and how much of their time is available to you. Procurement requirements – limits of authority for sign off and purchase regulations Risks – Physical, financial, technological – a full risk assessment should be undertaken prior to commencement and a comprehensive budget developed. Reporting requirements – who to report to, what needs to be covered and how often reports are expected. How the project integrates into the company QUESTION 4 0 Satisfactory 0 Not Yet Satisfactory Element & Performance Criteria2.1, 2.3 1. If you are setting up a detailed project plan for your project, why must you also set up a risk management plan? How would you go about making sure your two plans are synchronised? Your Answer: Your project plan should work around any identified risks. You should undertake a risk assessment before beginning the project and identify any acceptable risks, ways to avoid or mitigate these risks and if necessary transfer the risk to a third party. You need to work the results from your risk assessment into your project plan eg outsourcing some of the risk or changing strategies to lessen the risks to the project. 2. As you set up your project plan, one of the key components is your timeline. What factors must you consider when determining the timeline? Your Answer: It is best to use a software package for accurate setup. Decide on a schedule that covers from the beginning to the end of the project and list all tasks involved. Sort which tasks can be done in parallel with others and include tasks by outside resources like subcontractors, vendors and other departments. Work out how long each task may take by using past experiences or work out how long it would take you to undertake the task and add 20% for any unseen problems. Be sure to include time for meetings, reports and documentation development. Look at the manpower available for completing the project and schedule times for part time members who also perform work for other departments. This document needs to be flexible with some slack time built into the schedule at various points. QUESTION 5 0 Satisfactory 0 Not Yet Satisfactory Element & Performance Criteria2.2 1.There are many project management tools available to you. Choose five  from the following list and describe the pros and cons of each of the five: †¢cost schedule control system †¢Critical Path Method †¢Gantt and bar charts †¢life cycle cost analysis †¢logistics support analysis †¢PERT charts †¢project management software †¢spreadsheets †¢WHS management system tools Your Answer: Project Management Software Helps schedule the project Assigns tasks Finds the critical path Tracks progress against the time line plan Creates you Gnatt charts for you and automatically updates these charts with adjustments in your plan Gnatt & Bar Charts Shows scheduling information about a project Shows tasks that are part of the critical path Identifies who tasks are assigned to and which tasks are to be completed by people outside of your team Shows the current status of tasks Spreadsheets These are useful for charts of data that need to be created Charts can be created in word processing documents Preforms calculations on data inserted into a document Embedded formulas allows calculations to be in real time and adjusts to any changes made Logistics Support Analysis Shows an analysis of all logistical elements required for each activity Integrates the logistics and supply chain into a seamless operation Reduces costs Increases responsiveness Life Cycle Cost Analysis This is a system of cost evaluation Shows costs throughout the expected life Used to make cost determinations between different systems proposed for a particular need QUESTION 6 0 Satisfactory 0 Not Yet Satisfactory Element & Performance Criteria2.5, 3.1, 3.2 1. What are the advantages of consulting your team members when setting up your project plan? What are the risks if you do not consult them? Your Answer: You can use the expertise of your team to develop a list of tasks, estimate the time needed to undertake these tasks and develop a list of equipment & materials required. As you finalise the project plan communicate with your team members their part in the project and present your plan to them prior to presentation to management. Let them help identify potential problems and suggest any solutions. If your members feel they are part of creating the plan then they will have a greater commitment to completing the project on time and within budget. Involving your staff will get them to buy into the project and will eliminate the idea that it is your plan and giving them an excuse for not meeting timelines or budgets. You want your team to work as a team with enthusiasm to the project for a successful outcome. 2.Describe the techniques you could use to make sure: †¢at the beginning of your project that team members are clear about their responsibilities †¢as the project progresses that all team members continue to be clear about their responsibilities Your Answer: Ensure each team member understands clearly the scope of the project and their individual responsibility. If you have involved the team in the planning and setting up  of the project plan they will understand the aims of the project and what you require from them and the time constraints in place. To keep them on track whilst the project progresses, be proactive and display posters reminding them of the project scope and goals, have weekly status meetings and get everyone to give an update, send a weekly project update email or motivational email and talk to your team members to see where they are up to and help them to get around any obstacles they encounter. Follow up with your team and help guide them in the right direction. You need to have your finger on the pulse a nd know what each member is doing to ensure they stay on track. 3.Some suggested techniques for supporting your project team members are: †¢encouragement †¢feedback †¢learning and development †¢regular project team meetings †¢supervision, mentoring and coaching What are at least five of the key activities you would consider when undertaking these techniques and supporting your project team members? Explain why you would choose these particular five. What communication skills would each activity require? Your Answer: Encouragement – Support your team members and recognise them for their contributions to the project. Help them to get the necessary assistance and guidance to ensure they can perform their tasks. Listening, empathy, understanding are the communication skills required. Provide feedback to members to show what tasks have been achieved and where the budget and timelines are being achieved or missed. Discussion, reporting and presenting of reports and charts to show achievements Provide learning and development opportunities to team members. Get help and guidance from outside the team to help members to get past any problems or road blocks. Coordination, discussion, problem solving and team work would be required in this instance. Conduct regular team meetings and discuss where each member is up to with their required tasks and reward and recognise high performing team members with simple gifts and acknowledgment. Presentation, coordination and discussion will be required during meetings. Supervise,  mentor and coach your team. Your job is to manage the team not do all the work. Your team are the experts in each area and you just need to support them and help them to make everything come together Mentoring, watching, looking and talking would be required when mentoring your team. QUESTION 7 0 Satisfactory 0 Not Yet Satisfactory Element & Performance Criteria1.5, 3.4 1. Projects often start to run over budget, milestones slip, resources don’t reach you on schedule or a key person gets ill. What do you need to have in place to manage these problems? Who might you consult when you hit a problem that you are having difficulty resolving? Your Answer: You need to have identified the potential risks at the project planning stage and factored in some time to deal with these obstacles. You need to deal with each target that is not achieved and establish a plan that can be implemented to get the project back on track. Resources need to be looked at that can be added to the project team or new ways to undertake work need to be thought of. To think outside the box is necessary to establish better ways to achieve outcomes as the traditional company way may be to time consuming when working on a project. The usual company way could be used when full production is undertaken but isn’t necessary during a project. You can approach the stakeholders when you are hit with a problem you can’t easily resolve. They have a vested interest in the outcome and may be able to assist with extra resources or ideas on where items can be procured or sub-contractors that could be engaged. QUESTION 8 0 Satisfactory 0 Not Yet Satisfactory Element & Performance Criteria5.1 1. It is the nature of most projects that there will be mistakes, problems with resources or people, changes in both the internal or external  environments, or even changes in the project scope or brief. Understanding how these happened and how they were managed can become learning experiences, but if they are not documented in some way, they become lost. How could you go about making sure the lessons learnt are not lost? Your: Accurate notes and documentation will ensure lessons learnt are not lost and can be used by future project teams who can learn from your successes and mistakes. Identifying problems encountered and the process used to find a solution and accurate documentation of the solution and the techniques or methods tried is important to have for the company to use in future work or trials. Accurately record what problems occurred, its effects, what you did to rectify the problem and the impact of the changes you made. This will help in the future to improve processes or procedures of the company and may assist future project managers when faced with obstacles.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of Ford Motor Company

To say that Henry Ford dilly-dallied around before finally establishing a serious car company would be invalid. The 40 year old man had been acquiring valuable knowledge regarding business, engines, management, and most importantly cars. Now it was time to take a leap of faith. In 1903 the Ford Motor Company came to be. Ford, along with other investors including John and Horace Dodge raised $28,000 and in the first 15 months produced 1700 Model A cars. These cars were known for their reliability, yet were still too expensive for the average American. Over the next five years Ford and his engineers produced models with the letters B through S, the most successful of which was the Model N (priced at $500) , and the least successful was the Model K (priced at $2500). It was obvious from the Model N that the key to the companies success lay in inexpensive cars for a mass market. The answer that Ford and the American consumer were looking for was the Model T. The Model T, a small, sturdy four-cylinder car with an attractive design and a top speed of 45 mph, hit the market in 1908. It†s success came from it†s attractive price, at $850, and more than 10,000 were sold in the first year alone. It was easy to operate, maintain, handle on rough roads, and immediately became a success. Along with success came expansion, and in 1910 he established another assembly plant in Highland Park, Michigan. Through interchangeable parts, standard manufacturing, and a division labor, the demand greatly increased for the Model T. It was at this time in 1913 that Ford introduced the assembly line and forever changed our economy, our industry, and our culture. Ford†s concept of an assembly line sprang from the thought that a car could be produced much quicker if each person did one, single task. He applied this in his Highland Park plant, and cut down production time of one Model T to a fraction on the time. The carefully timed pace of a conveyer belt moving the parts along further speeded the process. With these new tactics, a factory could produce 40%-60% more cars per month. By late 1913 he had established assembly plants in Canada, Europe, Australia, South America, and Japan. At this point, the Ford Motor Company was the largest manufacturer of cars in the world. In 1914 Ford astonished the business world by more than doubling the minimum wage for his workers, raising it from about $2. 0 to $5. He argued that if his employees earned more, the company would sell more cars to them and reduce employee turnover. He said in regards to this ecenomical move â€Å"The high wage begins down in the shop. If it is not created there it cannot get into pay envelopes. There will never be a system invented which will do away with the necessity for work. † At this point the company had made $30 million in profits, mainly due to his economical and industrial scheme. It was now that he started focusing not only on cars, but on other world issues such as peace in the wake of World War I. He had a â€Å"peace ship,† called the Oscar II, sent to Norway on an expedition to end the war. This would contribute to his future project, the Ford Foundation. Ford displayed his true motives of pleasing the middle class consumer, when he lowered the cost of the Model T to $350 in 1916. In 1917 Ford started the construction of a industrial complex on the Rouge River in Dearborn, Michigan. The idea was to produce everything a car needed to run in one compact area. They had a a steel mill, glass factory, and automobile assembly line. This plant was the utopia of Ford†s mass production scheme. In 1918 Ford unsuccessfully ran for senate, and a year later he named his son Edsel Ford, the president of the Ford Motor Company. He also started a publication called â€Å"The Dearborn Independent. † This journal, produced weekly, was at first anti-Semitic. Statements against Jews were boldly printed. He said that the Jews were trying to â€Å"wipe out of public life every sign of the predominant Christian character of the United States,† as well as other demeaning remarks. After much public protest, Ford discontinued further publication, and made a public apology to the Jewish people. At this point the popularity started shifting from the Model T to larger more luxurious cars, and in 1927 the production of Model T†s ceased and six months later the Model A was introduced. This model included such improvements as hydraulic shock absorbers, automatic windshield wipers, a gas gauge, and a speedometer. The success of these was limited to 5 million, 10 million short of the Model T. It was at this time that the Ford Foundation was introduced. It was established â€Å"for scientific, educational, and charitable purposes, all for the public welfare. This organization basically attempted to further nurture the world in any aspect possible. This was made possible through all the money acquired through sales, primarily of the model T. Yet this utopia could only be temporary. As more and more large corporations started to pop up, so did labor unions. Ford was the only major manufacturer of cars in the Detroit area that had not recognized a labor union. In 1937 a band of supporters of unionization were physically beaten near a Ford plant by people suspected to work for the President of Ford. As a result, they were accused of unfair labor practices by the National Labor Relations Board. In 1941, following a massive workers strike, Henry Ford agreed to sign a contract that met workers demands. It was only two years later in 1943 when Henry Ford†s son, Edsel Ford died at age 49, and the president of the company. Henry himself was incapable of running the plants and managing business. He died in 1947 at the age of 83 in his hometown. He died a rich man; his fortune ranged somewhere between $500 and $700 million. Yet more importantly he died an accomplished man, who had left an imprint on the very definition of the word â€Å"American. â€Å"

Monday, July 29, 2019

Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management Coursework

Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management - Coursework Example This would eventually boost the basis of the workplace sanity that the employees look forward to receiving in the coming times, and the manner under which proper procedures and codes are followed. What is important here is the fact that the team domains should be highlighted as they work towards bonding the employees more than anything else. The team effectiveness is manifested by a sense of doing things right for the sake of the organization and properly aligning them to achieve results that are deemed as attainable right from the very beginning. Therefore team effectiveness is directly dependent on how the team environment has come about within the workplace and how this will mean long term results for it. (ii) The organizational and team environments depend on the role of the top management as to how the same will manifest their incorporation. What is important is the fact that the team environment does bring about team effectiveness in the long range scheme of things. This is som ething that is seen as an important undertaking of the organizational and team environment domains because the employees’ undertakings are taken into account. ... The element of righteousness within the organizational and team environment would mean that the team effectiveness exists for all the correct reasons. This is much needed as it will help develop the organization as a whole and let it grow even further in the times to come. 2) Explain what can organizations do to increase the effectiveness of the financial rewards? (i) The organizations can increase the effectiveness of the financial rewards by telling the employees what it expects of them in the long run, and how they shall go about doing things the organizational way to achieve maximum success, both personally as well as professionally. This will ensure that the financial rewards are the drivers behind the organizational hard work and commitment shown by the employees. They will give in their best to achieve maximum mileage and value for the sake of the organizations that they work for and thus manifest their long term commitment with them in the sheer sense of the word. The effecti veness of the financial rewards can also be increased if there are proper procedures and codes behind these incentives in place. This shall tell the employees that they are being looked after well and that their work realms are being monitored in an adequate way. What this will eventually do is to build up trust and confidence in the employees that if they go out of their way and manifest hard work and devotion towards the work processes, tasks and actions, they will be given their due in terms of the financial rewards that have been decided by the organizations. (ii) The role of the organizations in increasing the effectiveness of the financial rewards is such that it wants to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Internatioanl Logistics - Monitoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internatioanl Logistics - Monitoring - Essay Example International suppliers more so should be monitored with a not of keenness considering the distance that may separate the two businesses and the logistics involved in making cross border transactions. The importance of monitoring supplier activities is to ensure the timely detection and correction of faults that may arise in the course of doing business. Based on the performance of the supplier, the business is in a better position to make good and timely decisions and so avoid unpleasant surprises. The monitoring of performance and identification of areas likely to be faced with problems can improve the efficiency of a supply chain. Efficient supplier monitoring also involves aspects such as costs, quality, performance assessment, social responsibility, timeliness of deliveries as well as business-supplier relationship. For efficient international supplier monitoring, there is need for the use of real-time information, visiting steady reaction sites, accurate reports of situation an d constant client accessibility. These monitoring services help in resource optimization, review of supplier achievement as well as future decision making. Cost control One of the key factors that determine the success of a business is cost of suppliers. As the organization does business with an international supplier, it really needs to closely monitor global trends in the cost of related products, foreign exchange rates and airfreight costs. The business needs to get updated with packaging, transport, and unloading related costs. Transportation cost is a core issue in the cost of logistics. For this reason continuous monitoring of transport activities is a major concern of businesses. In monitoring transportation, the company may consider monitored related risks in terms of delay risk and safety. Delay risk involves the use of departure, transfer and destination points as well as real time data and transport time as inputs in calculating and warning of a delay. However with the im proved technology there are better methods of monitoring logistic information. Essentially, the suppliers costs of packaging, transportation and unloading should be reasonable and sensitive to the needs of the business. Relationship with Supplier An organization needs to maintain a good relationship with its suppliers. Establishing and maintaining positive relationships will in effect financially benefit both parties. The company has its responsibilities when it comes to dealing with suppliers such as making prompt payments and promptly submitting complaints and claims in the event of damages. In order to maintain a positive relationship with international suppliers, the business may consider meeting their contacts face to face with an aim of seeing how their activities are carried out as noted by Business Link (2011). The suppliers should also be contacted regularly and updated with strategic changes promptly so that they may also adapt to such changes. Better deals may come in the way of the business if it maintains a healthy rapport with a supplier and becomes one of its important customers (Business Link 2011). Quality control The products and services that suppliers provide to a business greatly impacts its performance in the market. This being the case, the business should ensure that its suppliers deliver quality services and products. Monitoring the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Media Audiences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Media Audiences - Essay Example There is also the importance to differentiate between mass audiences that are broadcast to and the niche audiences involved in narrowcasting. In terms of subjectivity, there is the impact on the audience members by the membership of the pre-existing group including gender, religion, education and nation. It may also be defined in regard to a mainstream audience for the narrowcast media. This imagined mainstream is what elite and sub-cultural forms do define them. It is a socially constructed phenomena. In contrast to the critique of mass society, the culture of mainstream is not addressed to an audience that is homogenized as it is diverse and made of different multiple audiences that come from various demographic groups whose mode of engagement might have. This makes it appealing and also commercially lucrative. It may be hard to define, and its meaning normally shifts in accordance to its usage. Appreciating mass audiences will offer that opportunity of resisting adoption of the media’s terms as our own. Audience size together with commercial profitability is construction factors in mainstreaming though it should be understood independently. Though mainstream media are known as an object of passionate feelings, it is what that moves most of consumers to participation (Newma n, 1). Mass audience as included in the definition for the mass communication has distinguishing factors that include: it is heterogeneous in composition, composition of individuals is that of those who do not know each other, members of the mass are spatially separated, and the mass has a loose organization and leadership that is not definite (Napoli, 7). The new mass audience considers the mass audience as both the receiver and the sender of the message. An economist Dalls Smythe 1977 stated that the act of consuming media included a form of labour that is wageless engaged by

Friday, July 26, 2019

Play Money Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Play Money - Research Paper Example The company celebrated its 150th anniversary this year. Intel Corporation designs, manufactures, and sells unified digital technology platforms The company offers microprocessors that process system data and controls other devices in the system; and chipsets (Bloomberg, 2014). Alcoa Inc. engages in the manufacture and management of primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum, and alumina. The company operates in four segments: Alumina, Primary Metals, Flat-Rolled Products, and Engineered Products and Solutions. Its products are used in aircraft, automobiles, commercial transportation, packaging, building and construction, oil and gas, defense, consumer electronics, and industrial applications. Bank of America Corporation, over its subsidiaries, offers various banking and financial products and services to single consumers, small-and middle-market businesses, recognized investors, corporations, and governments in the United States and internationally. The company’s Credits segment provides traditional savings accounts, cash market savings accounts, CDs and IRAs, and noninterest-and interest-bearing checking accounts, as well The Dow jones industrial average jumped 195 point or 1.1% to 17390.52 a closing record for the index. The previous record was 17279.74. The Dow section leading the way higher was Gamble, which sported a $1.22 gain (+1.4%) getting the stock to $87.27. U.S Securities ans Exchange Commisions. (2014, June). Financial Navigating in the Current Economy: Ten Things to Consider Before You Make Investing Decisions. Retrieved from U.S Securities and Exchange Commisions:

Juvenile Justice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Juvenile Justice - Coursework Example Finally, these transfers benefit the system, as it is intricate to handle some cases committed by juveniles, while in juvenile courts. In case of a transfer, youths become adults legally and face similar treatment to that for adults. After a careful examination of the reasons behind such transfers, I strongly support this practice (Elrod and Ryder 217). Currently, three main mechanisms are applicable for transfer of a juvenile to an adult court. As depicted in this source, the first mechanism is the judicial waiver, which has been in application since ancient epochs. A number of elements distinguish it from other mechanisms. For instance, the examination of the likely reasons for the juvenile to have committed the crime is among the basic elements. Secondly, it becomes necessary to consider the threats of such a youth to the society (Elrod and Ryder 218). Moreover, it considers the system to which the juvenile court system can effectively handle such a case. In a scenario, whereby th e case is so serious, a careful evaluation of how the adult court can handle such a case becomes a point of focus. The other mechanism known as the legislative waiver has been in use, in various states of America. This mechanism forms its decision on the age, along with the offense criterion of the juvenile. The third and final mechanism is the prosecutorial waiver. This is different from the other two mechanisms as it permits a concurrent jurisdiction in the two dissimilar court systems. Similarly, both the age together with the offense criterion demand cautious considerations. Kent vs. US and Breed vs. Jones impacts the waivers transfer in a negative way as it prohibits the double trial that the waiver transfer supports. In the determination of the suitability of any of the transfer mechanism, it is suitable to examine the two different court systems. After establishing which one is appropriate, the transfer process starts (Elrod and Ryder 224). A number of problems arise in case of transferring juveniles to an adult court for trial. The decision to transfer these youths can bring adverse consequences to the youths. Prosecution of these youths in open criminal courts exposes them to criminals known to have committed serious offenses than them. Eventually, they may resort into learning how to commit similar crimes. Additionally, erosion of their civil rights is a problem allied to such a transfer. In various scenarios, such a transfer fails to curb the increasing rate of recidivism, therefore, the deterioration of the security of community’s security. It would be crucial to transfer only those cases that the juvenile court cannot address with efficacy. If I were a judge, the state would have to prove to me that the juvenile court would find it intricate to handle such a case, together with the effectiveness of the needed superior court (Elrod and Ryder 220). Sources have revealed that a number of states have adopted separate programs within the adult c orrectional centers. Florida and South Carolina are the two states that have established different facilities for housing juvenile inmates. The age range is the key determinant of which youth ought to be housed in such facilities. In the above-mentioned states, the two age ranges are between 18 and 21, or 18 and 25. I also support the idea of housing them in different

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mental Health and Illness Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mental Health and Illness - Assignment Example According to (Coreil, 2010), there are five levels of determinants influencing access to and uptake of health care services. These include intrapersonal factors, interpersonal ones, organisational issues, the community and society. Community level factors include the environment, availability of public facilities, socio-economic, class and issues of ethnicity. They affect the way a particular community is able to access health services e.g. mental health. The society on the other hand influences health outcomes through policy, ethos of the nation, infrastructural considerations, cultural value systems, educational achievements and economics. There are macro-level factors and therefore affect healthcare access at the national level. Intrapersonal level determinants of health include personality, heredity, and cognition. Heredity can predispose individuals to mental health while personality and cognition affect their decisions on health issues. An individual’s home, family background and peer group influence comprise make interpersonal health determinants. Interpersonal level factors may influence ones perception of mental health and hence influence access. The organisational issues are schooling, membership to civic groups and factors to do with healthcare organisations. Presence of healthcare organisations for instance increase chances of access to services while membership to civic organisations increase ones information about available healthcare services. In my opinion the most important factors that will influence achievement of the HP2020 objective of increasing access to health care the societal level determinants of health. This is policies are formulated at this level as well as the funding for such noble objectives. Cultural values systems and infrastructural considerations all of which fall under the society level factors influencing health are also important in determining access to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

STARBUCKS TIME MANAGEMENT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

STARBUCKS TIME MANAGEMENT - Research Paper Example It is the largest coffeehouse worldwide. The organization structure of Starbucks focuses on the incorporation of corporate social responsibility into their department. Their strategy involves good sourcing, high level environmental performance in the development, and creation of new stores. They involve working together to be respected partnership in their communities and communicate their corporate social responsibilities. The type of organization structure of Starbucks is a functional structure which is comprised of all the departments that are required in an organization for smooth production of its goods and services. The organization structure is headed by the Chief Executive officer (CEO). In the year 2001 to 2005, Orin C. Smith was the President and CEO of Starbucks. Howard Schultz is the originator of the company, who is also the chairman. The Starbucks Company operates under the matrix organization structure. Their operation is under four U.S divisions, including Western Pacific, North West Mountain, South east pl ains and North east Atlantic. Under the CEO in the matrix structure, in the other divisions, there is the President, International Retail, Legal and Corporate Affairs, Finance, Supply Chain Operations, Marketing, Human Resources, Legal and Worldwide Public Affairs. The advantage of having this kind of structure is that it leads to maximized communication channels. Starbucks second part of the structure is the continuation of support functions, which operate at their individual departments supporting their shared goals and visions (Jones, 2005). There are 4 functions of management and every organization structure does play a role. They are; Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. In Planning, it involves creation of business mission and objectives and establishing how to achieve. Those at the top of the organization hierarchy are mostly the ones involved since they have to identify the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Management project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management project - Research Paper Example This however, never changed how other charity organizations viewed the group even though exotic dance is a legal profession (Edbermac, 2007). The exotic dancers hold an annual event to raise funds to donate to the charity societies. The groups hold the event in remembrance of their former dancer who died due to breast cancer (Edbermac, 2007). Trina Rickettes, the former dancer had said a mail sent notified her that the society declined to collect that years’ donation (Edbermac, 2007). The society pointed out that its major donors never approved the connection to the exotic dancers. The group fells discriminated due to rejection of donations done to help the cancer-affected patients in the society. Many organizations view the dancers as strippers hence prostitutes and they term their earning as dirty money (Edbermac, 2007). Charity organizations fear to associate with the exotic dancers unless the group agreed to be anonymous. The raised money end up in less discriminating charity organizations and the organizations benefits from the thousands of dollars from the exotic dancers (Edbermac, 2007). Edbermac. (2007, February 07). Breast Cancer Society rejects donation from exotic dancers. Retrieved may sunday, 2014, from democratic underground:

Monday, July 22, 2019

Process Design Matrix Design and Summary Essay Example for Free

Process Design Matrix Design and Summary Essay Prepaid food service and automobile are being selected for a service and a product for identifying suitable process design approaches. For managing effective services and delivering on-site service, there are three approaches: product line approach, self-service approach, and the personal attention approach (Larson Gray, 2006). Product Line Approach: The focus of the product line approach is on the efficient production of products and services. In this approach, the company controls the execution of each phase in order to ensure quick delivery and high-quality mix of prepaid foods in a clean environment (Chase, et al. 2006). To ensure effective delivery of high quality prepaid food services, this approach will be most beneficial to the company. Self-service Approach: by involving customers in the production of services, the efficiency of service process can be enhanced (Larson Gray, 2006). This approach will benefit the food company by offering high-quality products to the customers and reducing time of service delivery (Chase, et al. 2006). The Personal Attention Approach: this approach emphasizes developing a relationship between the sales force and customers, ensuring effective customer services. Using this approach will help the company in developing strong relationship and building customer loyalty. Similarly, for managing the production of products, there are different types of design processes including job shop, batch production, assembly line and continuous flow. Job Shop Process: in this process, task completion is handled by a single worker or a group of workers. There can be a wide range of products and services such as shipbuilding, bridge construction, hairdresser and tailor involving use of low technology to high technology can use the job shop process approach (Sowell, 2006). Batch Production: in this approach, a process is divided into parts and before going to the next operation, and a particular part is performed on the complete batch. This approach is suitable for cases when small to moderate volumes of various products must be made. The batch production approach will not be suitable for automobile production. Assembly Line: This approach is believed to be the most suitable for automobile production. To effectively manufacture an automobile, the material flows along a moving assembly line and passes through different work stations at which operations are performed (Verweire Berghe, 2004). To make the work flow smoothly, equal time is allotted to complete the operations at each station. References Chase, R. B. et. al. (2006). Operations Management for Competitive Advantage. USA: McGraw-Hill International. Larson, E. W. Gray, C. F. (2006). Project Management: The Managerial Process. USA: McGraw- Hill International. Sowell, T. J. (2006). Strategic Manufacturing Management. USA: Xlibris Corporation. Verweire, K. Berghe, L. V. D. (2004). Integrated Performance Management: A Guide to Strategy Implementation. USA: SAGE.

Developing a Challenging Environment for Children

Developing a Challenging Environment for Children Noshaba Jadoon Q1: Explain how to organise a safe but challenging environment for children? The environment plays a major role in supporting children’s learning and development. While organizing a safe and challenging environment for children following factor should be consider: Health and safety; First and most important factor while setting environment to be considered is the health and safety of the environment, for health and safety the EY statutory frame work provides regulation. These regulations must be following while setting the environment. Curriculum and layout of the room; It includes role play area, a PC area, literacy and numeracy area, reading area, messy play area. Material objects; Material objects consist of all toys and resources that are used for children. Material objects that are used for children must be suitable for their age and stage of development. Toys and resources should be organized according to the height of the children to access and explore, by always providing a choice of toys, rather than force children to play with a particular toy of practitioner choice, especially for babies and younger children who are less mobile. The EY. Emphases children independence and encourages child-initiated play and active learning. Early years setting provides separate setting according to the age of the children i-e from birth to year three and three to five etc. Birth to three: Babies learn through their senses and they enjoy taking toys to their mouths, also they enjoy reaching out for toys and grasping them, therefore interesting toys or objects should be placed with in their access to explore. Practitioners should ensure that materials object and toys for this age group are appropriate. Furniture is secured to prevent it from falling onto the children as their movement and body control develop, they become very mobile. Three to five: Children’s imaginations and bodies control develop in this age group, and role-play areas can help children to take on different roles. For example, an area of the room can be transformed into a scenario for the children to play and explore, like post office ,fruits and vegetable shops, kitchen ,car park area etc. The outdoor environment provides equal opportunities for learning and development. Advantages of outdoor playing result into promotion of healthy lifestyles, as they get the chance to exercise, run around, climb on and off equipment, jumping, balance, learn about their body and exert energy, also develop socially, intellectually, physically, emotionally by making friends, sharing with them and taking care of them. Children begin to learn how to take care of other children. Therefore resources and toys that are used for children must be suitable for their age and stage of development. According to EY, Outdoor play opportunities also depend on children age: 0-12 months Outdoor environment provides fresh air, more exploring and practising physical skills. Due to limited mobility in this age group practitioner can take soft play mats and resources. 12-24 months As this age group children are more mobile so equipment such as slides, climbing frames and ride on toys will help children to develop their physical skills. Practitioner should encourage children to get responsibility of environment around them, for example plants and flowers. Children can take part in planting fruit and vegetable seeds and get responsibility to take of them. 24-36months Children should continue to be given responsibility about their environment, growing their own seeds of fruit and vegetables and taking care of them by watering plants and seeds. As physical skills and body control increase therefore toys that involve balance of the body should introduce to help them to refine their skills, like scoters or larger frames. Children should be encourage to investigate objects that how they are work. 36-60 months Children in this age group have good body control and refine skills, so opportunities for climbing, running, jumping and balancing of their body should be continue. As physical skills and body control increase there for toys that involve balance of the body should introduce to help them to refine their skills, like scoters or larger frames. Children should be encourage to investigate objects that how they are work. Social and emotional environment; The emotional environment extends to the feelings and emotions of the children. When children are able to express their feeling they are more confident to explore and investigate. Practitioners should give them chance to talk and express their feelings. Children belong to wider social network like ethnicity, religions and family history or back ground skins colour, practitioner should recognise the importance of the values and give them respect. It is responsibility of practitioner to help children to understand about different cultures and religions. Therefore social and emotional environment mean value and respect for everyone, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, skin colure, family back ground etc. Q2: Explain the practitioners’ role within the wider, multi-agency environment. If practitioner has any concern about any area of child’s development, or it is believed that child requires additional support then other professional can be involved as a source of advice for welfare of children and their families. Providing early help is more effective in promoting the welfare of children. Early help means providing support as soon as problems arise or identified, therefore key worker will help to identified children and their families who can get benefit from early help. Following professionals can be involved with in early years setting: 1: General practitioner, when child is ill 2: Health visitor. They support children and their families from birth to five. They provide health and lifestyle support to parents. 3: Paediatiatrician. They support children and their families from 24 weeks of pregnancy to18 years, especially when a child is diagnosed with disability or illness. 4: Social worker provides help, support and safe guarding of the children. 5: Dentist provide care for children teeth 6: Physiotherapist support children motor skills and mobility. They provide specialised care for children with disabilities etc. 7: Speech and language therapist provide information for effective communication. 8: Emergency services it include police officer, fire fighters ,paramedics may visit school time to time to help children understand about these services. The practitioner will play an important role within this team to support and following care plans set out by other professionals and attending regular meeting to discuss the progress of child. Q3: Describe the regulatory requirements that must be followed when organising an environment. Laws and legislation The health and safety at work Act 1974 provides guidelines that protect everyone within the workplace. However health and safety implementation is over all responsibility of employer. Practitioners are also responsible for ensuring health and safety with in the workplace is observed. For health and safety the EY statutory frame work provides regulation these regulation must be follow while organizing the environment. Staff ratios and qualifications; The EY Sets out the minimum requirement for staff ratios and qualifications. Failure to meet this requirement could cause an accidents or injuries because it is difficult for staff members to care for and supervise a large number of the group. Well trained and qualified staff that work well as a team is required for best possible care of the children. Size of the room; The EY also sets out minimum requirement for space depending on the age of children that is how many children can be present in any one room at one time and number of the staff to ensure the safety of the children. Children under two Children from birth to two years require 3.5 square meter per child. For every three children, there must be at least one member of staff. At least one practitioner must be qualified to a recognised level three childcare qualification and be experienced in working with babies and children under two. At least half of the remaining staff members must be qualified to at least a recognised, level two childcare qualification. At least half of the staff members must have training specifically for working with babies and young children below the age of two. Children under two to three Children of this age group require 2.3 square meter space per children One member of staff for 8 children One practitioner must be qualified to level three. Half of remaining staff members must be qualified to level two. Children aged three to five They required 2.3 square meter space per child One member of staff for 8 children One practitioner must be qualified to level three. Half of remaining staff members must be qualified to level two. Q4: Evaluate how effective the environment is in meeting children’s needs Playing is one of the effective ways of teaching. Children learn through play and exploring their environment. Effective environment plays vital role in meeting individual age group children needs. According to (EY Development Matters document) ‘children learn and develop well in enabling environment, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and is a strong partnership between practitioner and parents and carers’. The early years foundation stage (EYFS) requires early year’s practitioner to review children progress and share a summary with parents or career. It also can be used as a guide about whether a child is showing typical development for their age or any delay or ahead for their age. According to statutory frame work for the early years foundation stage (EYFS) ‘children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates’. Practitioner must consider the individual needs, interest, and stage of development of each child. There are seven areas of learning and development: Communication and language: emphases to speak and listen in a range of situation and express themselves with confidence and skill. Children follow instructions. They can use past, present, future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or going to be happened in future. Physical development involves moving and handling. Children should show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They can handle equipment’s and tools effectively including pencil for writing. Personal, social and emotional development helps children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others. They learn how to develop social skills, they play co-operatively taking turns with each other, they show sensitivity to other’s needs and felling, form positive relationship with adults and other children. They learn how to manage their own feelings. The can manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs including dressing and going to toilets independently and to have self-confidence and self-awareness. Literacy, they are able to link sound and letters and to begin read and write. Mathematics, they improve their skills in counting, they can count up to twenty, they can do simple addition and subtraction, and able to recognized shapes. Understanding the world, Arts and design should involve providing opportunities to share their thought, concepts and feeling through a variety of ways in art music dance role-play.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

altropine competitive antagonist of acetylcholine

altropine competitive antagonist of acetylcholine Atropine is a competitive antagonist of acetylcholine which binds to the muscarinic receptor in order to inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system. It causes a reversible blockade of the action of acetylcholine and it can be overcome by increasing the concentration of acetylcholine at receptor sites of the effectors organ (e.g. by using the anticholinesterase agents which inhibit the destruction of acetylcholine). Atropine is an alkaloid or an extremely poisonous drug derived from a plant called atropia belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade. â€Å"Belladonna† is Italian word which means beautiful woman. In the Renaissance, woman used the juice of berries of atropia belladonna to dilate pupils as it was perceived as more attractive. Pharmacological effects Eye -Atropine acts in the eye to block the action of acetylcholine, relaxing the cholinergically innervated sphincter muscles of the iris. This results in dilation of the pupil (mydriasis). The cholinergic stimulation of accommodative ciliary muscle of the lens in the eye is also blocked. This results in paralysis of accommodation (cycloplegia). Besides, the elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) occurs when the anterior chamber is narrow. It will further raise IOP in glaucoma patients because it will obstruct evacuation of aqueous humor by the Schlemm channel. Atropine is thus contraindicated in these patients. Another effect of antimuscarinic drugs is to reduce lacrimal secretion which produces dryness in eyes. Atropine has a slower onset and more prolonged effect in eye as maximum mydriatic effect occurs around 30 to 40 minutes and maximum cycloplegia takes several hours. Mydriasis usually lasts 7 to 12 days and cycloplegia may persist for 14 days or longer. Cardiovascular system The vagus (parasympathetic) nerves that innervate the heart release acetylcholine (ACh) as their primary neurotransmitter to slow the heart rate. ACh binds to muscarinic receptors (M2) that are found on cells comprising the sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV) nodes. Atropine has a potent and prolonged effect on the heart muscle. It inhibits the effect of excessive vagal nerve activation on the heart like sinus bradycardia and AV nodal block (delay in the conduction of electrical impulses at the AV node of the heart) by binding to muscarinic receptors in order to prevent ACh from binding to and activating the receptor. Thus, atropine speeds up the heart rate and increases conduction velocity as it very effectively blocks the effects of parasympathetic nerve activity on the heart. There are little effects on blood pressure since most resistance blood vessels do not have cholinergic innervations. Small doses of atropine used may decrease the heart rate, yet, large doses used definitely causes increasing of the heart rate. Central nervous system Atropine has minimal stimulant effects on the central nervous system, especially medullary centers, and a slower, longer-lasting sedative effect on the brain. Low doses atropine may produce mild restlessness and higher doses may produce agitation and hallucination. With still larger doses, stimulation is followed by depression leading to circulatory collapse and respiratory failure after a period of paralysis and coma. Respiratory tract The parasympathetic nervous system regulate bronchomotor tone and secretionary glands of the airway. Since atropine is an antagonist muscarinic drug, it inhibits the secretion of nose, mouth, pharynx and bronchi, and thus dries the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. And it also relaxes bronchial smooth muscle, producing bronchodilation and decreasing airway resistance. The effect is more important in patients with airway disease like asthma. Gastrointestinal tract Motility and secretions of gastrointestinal tract are declined by atropine. GI smooth muscle motility is affected from the stomach to the colon by decreasing tone, amplitude and frequency of the peristaltic contractions. However, the gastric secretion is only slightly reduced.   Genitourinary tract The antimuscarinic action of atropine relaxes smooth muscle of the ureters and bladder wall in order to decrease the normal tone and amplitude of contractions of the ureters and bladder. Atropine has not significant effect on the uterus. Sweat glands Small doses of atropine inhibit the activity of sweat glands, producing hot and dry on the skin. Sweating may be sufficiently depressed and this will elevate the body temperature if using the larger doses in adult or at high environmental temperatures. For the infant or children who are administered large doses or even ordinary doses may cause â€Å"atropine fever†. Pharmacokinetics Absorption Atropine is rapidly and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, mucosal membrane, conjunctival membranes, and to some extent through intact skin when given by oral route, solution, ointment or injection route (directly goes into muscle or vein). Pharmacological activity of paranteral administration is 2-3 times greater than enteral route. Distribution Atropine is rapidly cleared from the blood and is distributed throughout the body. It crosses the blood-brain barrier and placenta. Peak plasma concentrations of atropine are reached within 30 minutes. The duration of action of atropine administered by general route would be approximately 4 -6 hours. Metabolism After administration, atropine disappears rapidly from the blood with a half-life of 2 hours. The half-life of atropine is slightly shorter in females than males. Then it is metabolized in the liver by oxidation and conjugation to give inactive metabolites. Excretion The drugs effect on parasympathetic function declines rapidly in all organs except the eye. Effects on the iris and ciliary muscle persist for more than 3 days. About 50% of the dose is excreted within 4 hours and 90% in 24 hours in the urine, about 30 to 50% as unchanged drug. Therapeutic uses As preanaesthetic medicationts Atropine is used to block two effects in particular during anaesthesia, secretions in the respiratory tract in response to the irritating nature of some inhalant anaesthetics, and bradycardia (slowing of the heart) which accompanies most anaesthetics due to the block of muscarinic receptors in the heart. Overall, atropine can reduce the risk of airway obstruction and increase the heart beat when anaesthetic drug is going to be used. Ophthalmological uses Topical atropine is used as a cycloplegic (temporarily paralyze the accommodation) and as a mydriatic (dilate the pupils) for accurate measurement of refractive error in patients. A second use is to prevent synechiae (adhesion) formation in uveitis and iritis. After local administration in the form of ophthalmic solution, the onset of atropine is around 30 minutes and it effects last very long: dilation of pupil can persist several days. Cardiovascular disorders Injection of atropine is used in the treatment of bradycardia (an extremely low heart rate) due to excessive vagal tone on the SA and AV node. It accelerates the cardiac rate by reduction of vagal tone and suppression of reflex bradycardia during arterial hypertension. In addition, atropine is also used primary for sinus node dysfunction (inappropriate atrial rates) and symptomatic second-degree heart block (irregularities in the electrical conduction system of the heart). Respiratory disorders Parenteral atropine can be used as a preoperative medication to suppress bronchiolar secretions when anaesthetics are used. It can be used to treat asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Gastrointestinal disorders Atropine is seldom used to treat pepti-ulcer nowadays. Atropine can provide some relief in the treatment of common travelers diarrhea (irritable bowel movement). It is often combined with an opioid antidiarrheal drug in order to discourage abuse of the opioid agent. Urinary disorders Atropine is used to relieve bladder spasm after urologic surgery and for treating urinary urgency caused by minor inflammatory bladder disorder. Hyperhidrosis It is an excessive and profuse perspiration. Atropine can reduce the secretion of sweat glands by inhibiting the Ach binds to the muscarinic receptors. Cholinergic poisoning By blocking the action of ACh, atropine also can be used as an antidote for organophosphate poisoning caused by inhibition of cholinesterase and nerve gases. The atropine serves as an effective blocking agent for the excess ACh but does nothing to reverse the inhibition of cholinesterase. Troops, who are likely to be attacked with chemical weapons often carry autoinjectiors with atropine and obidoxime which can be quickly injected into the thigh. It is the only known antidote for VX nerve gas. Some of the nerve gases attack and destroy acetycholinesterase (an enzyme hydrolyzes ACh to give choline), so the action of acetylcholine becomes prolonged. Therefore, atropine can be used to depress the effect of ACh. Parkinsons disease Atropine is used to treat the symptom of Parkinson such as drooling sweating rigidity and tremors. However, with the wide array of uses and side effects that atropine has, it has been replaced by several other medicines that are more effectively in treating Parkinsons. Adverse effect Atropine and its possible side effect can affect individual people in various ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with atropine. Not all the patients using this antimuscarinic drug will experience the same effects. These effects are intensified as the dosages are increased. General chest pain, excessive thirst, weakness, dehydration, feeling hot, injection site reaction, fever. Eye dilation pupil, pupil poorly reactive to light, photophobia, blurred vision, decreased accommodation, decreased contrast sensitivity, decreased visual acuity, dry eyes or dry conjunctiva, acute angle closure glaucoma, irritated eyes, allergic conjunctivitis or blepharoconjunctivitis, heterophoria, red eye due to excess blood supply (hyperaemia). Psychiatric hallucination, mental confusion, agitation, restlessness, anxiety, excitement especially in elderly, fatigue. Central nervous system headache, nervousness, dizziness, drowsiness, muscle twitching, abnormal movement, coma, difficult concentrating, insomnia, amnesia, ataxia (loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement). Cardiovascular tachycardia (increasing in heartbeat), acute myocardial infarction, cardiac dilation, atrial arrhythmias, paradoxical Bradycardia (if low does Atropine used), asystole (absence of heart beat), increased blood pressure or decreased blood pressure. Respiratory slow respiration, breathing difficulty, pulmonary edema, respiratory failure. Gastrointestinal nausea, abdomen pain, vomiting, decreased bowel sounds, decreased food absorption, delayed gastric emptying, reduction of salivary secretions, loss of taste, bloated feeling. Genitourinary urinary retention, urine urgency, bed-wetting, difficult in micturation. Dermatologic dry mucous membrane, dry warm skin, flushed skin, oral lesion, anhidrosis (absence of sweating), dermatitis, rash, hyperthermia (elevated of body temperature) Overdose and Treatment Widespread paralysis of parasympathetically innervated organs can characterize serious over dosage with atropine. Dry mucous membranes, widely dilated and nonresponsive pupils, tachycardia, fever, hallucination and flushed skin are mental and neurological symptoms which may last 48 hours or longer. Severe intoxication, respiratory depression, blood pressure declines, coma, circulatory collapse and death may occur with over dosage of atropine. Overdoses of atropine are generally treated symptomatically by given small doses slowly intravenously of physostigmine (1-4mg in adults and 0.5-1 mg in children). Contraindication Atropine is contraindicated in patients with Known hypersensitivity to the drug Glaucoma, especially angle closure glaucoma Bladder neck obstruction Myasthenia gravis Severe ulcerative colitis Gastric ulcer Abdominal distention with decreased peristalsis and/or intestinal obstruction A history of prostatic hyperplasia Special Consideration Caution in patients with Down Syndrome Used in elderly patients Used during pregnancy or breastfeeding Limited use in newborn infant

Saturday, July 20, 2019

College Sports - Women in Sports and Title IX Essay -- Argumentative P

Women in Sports and Title IX Since the 1972 conception of Title IX of the Education Amendments, the number of women participating in intercollegiate athletics has increased five-fold, from fewer than 30,000, to more 150,000 in 2001. However, more than 400 men’s athletics teams have been dismantled since Title IX, the law forbidding sex discrimination at institutions receiving federal funds, became law. Some would say this is due, in part, to Title IX enforcement standards like proportionality. Proportionality requires that an institution’s athletic population must be of an equal ratio to its general student body. Among some of the 400-plus teams dismantled by Title IX are several former Colorado State University teams including wrestling, baseball, gymnastics, men’s swimming and diving, and men’s tennis. CSU student athletes no longer sport the opportunity of participating in these activities at the NCAA Division I level, and the days of the student body rooting for their ram team s are gone, possibly forever. Now the search is on to find a solution to the problems associated with Title IX if, indeed, a solution is ultimately necessary. The debate over Title IX is a complex one, with many sides relentlessly attacking each other’s approaches regarding the law. The Title IX advocates, largely comprised of women’s organizations such as the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC), take the approach that the law is the major reason women have achieved somewhat equal opportunities in athletics. The NWLC contends that abolishing Title IX would undo years of progress so far achieved. In sharp contrast with the Title IX advocates are the Title IX opponents, who are largely comprised of the National Wrestling Coaches Association (... images of the gloried days past. Works Cited Coniff, Ruth. â€Å"Title IX: Political Football.† Nation Mar. 2003: 19. Davis, Michelle R. â€Å"Title IX Panel Contemplates Easing Proportionality Test.† Education Week 11 Dec. 2002: 22. Epstein, Richard A. â€Å"Just scrap Title IX.† National Law Journal 24 (2002): 35 Gable, Dan. â€Å"What to do with Title IX.† Sporting News Feb. 2003: 7. Robinson, J., Peg Bradley-Doppes, Charles M. Neinas, John R. Thelin, Christine A. Plonsky, and Michael Messner. â€Å"Gender Equity in College Sports: 6 Views.† Chronicle of Higher Education 6 Dec 2002: B7+. Salant, Jonathan D. â€Å"NCAA president opposes changes to Title IX anti-discrimination law.† Washington Dateline 4 Mar. 2003: Sports 1. Will, George F. â€Å"A Train Wreck Called Title IX.† Newsweek 27 May 2002: 82. â€Å"Women and sports.† Christian Science Monitor Apr. 1995: 20.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Got Trees?The New American Youth Counterculture :: essays research papers

Brad turns to his companion Les. He is wearing an oversized t-shirt sporting some trendy pop-culture phrase that has long since lost any reference or significance. He sports jeans that are neither loose nor tight, very functional. Brad is in essence, every man America. Les is a skinny short boy, pale with frizzy blond hair. He too is dressed in a peculiar sort of anti-fashion, a fashion so slyly plain and unrecognizable that it defies the very nature of fashion itself. They are both seventeen. "Yo, when’s Tim coming back with our trees? I need to blaze before I go home." Engaged in the continuing struggle to find marijuana, Brad is neither distressed nor overly excited, but displays a Taoist sort of calm. Les responds with an ambivalent answer and a request - "What's the best kind of music to listen to while you're high?" In this simple question, Les may anticipate the next wave of marijuana culture. But to understand the cultural currents and nature of th is existential convergence, we must first dive deeper into what has become the most genuine counterculture of modern times. Marijuana was originally viewed as merely another tool for spiritual short cuts and mind expansion. At this point, it was confined to an elite group of self-righteous hipsters who could find no better way to communicate the essence of the drug that outdated modes of artistic expression. However, in post-psychedelic America, marijuana soon took on a new, more democratically inspired significance. Marijuana became a more recreational drug, soon finding its way into the melting pot for subversive trend, teenage America. Marijuana is a mild hallucinogen, but really it's more like a combination of speed and rat poison, only not bad for you. Marijuana makes each moment significant. The now takes on supreme importance. The future and the past become no longer points for idle speculations, but reductions of functionality constrained by the now. It is this post-temporal affect that serves to liberate users from their previous outdated modalities of experience-defined enjoyment. Experience is secondary to the transcending reality of every moment. Cognizant of the fact that meaningful experience is really quite unlikely, these post-hedonists embrace the continuation of their culture as a surrogate for experience; when the now is the all, an experience is created. There is little risk of long term consequence, as they recognize the danger in harder drugs like ecstasy, which is a combina tion of coke and heroin, and LSD, which is essentially pure speed.

Home Rule :: Essays Papers

Home Rule During the time of England’s dominance of Ireland, the citizens of Ireland desperately sought to be free of England’s rule. Because of Ireland’s longing, the Home Rule Movement (HRM) came into existence. In Irish and English history, Home Rule is defined as a political slogan adopted by Irish nationalist in the 19th century to describe their objective of self-government for Ireland (â€Å"Home Rule†). The Home Rule Movement started in 1870 and ended in 1922. Isaac Butt and Charles Parnell led the movement (Home Rule). Because the Irish were insistence in obtaining their freedom, the Home Rule movement caused the following events to occur: The Easter Uprising, an increase in attendance of the Irish Republic Treaty (IRA), the founding of the Sinn Fein, and the Irish Free State. During the HRM, three Home Rule bills were produced and promptly rejected. Ultimately, the fourth Home Rule Bill ended in victory in 1922 (â€Å"Home Rule†). As a result of the Irish having to engage in a difficult and long-fight battle for their independence from England, the people of Ireland began to cause anarchy. This anarchy was known as the Easter Uprising. The Easter Uprising started in April 1916, the day after Easter (Easter Rising) and occurred because Ireland believed the British’s government was devoting sufficient attention to the needs of the people of Ireland (â€Å"Easter Rising†). On the other hand, Britain felt the Irish weren’t worthy of becoming self-governing. The British felt superior to the Irish and thought of them as filthy people who needed to be segregated and taught how to behave properly (â€Å"Home Rule†). There were a couple of groups that helped in the developing the Easter Uprising. There was a group called the Irish Republican Brotherhood whose goal was for Ireland to have independence (Easter Rising). Independence appeared to be on the minds of many Ireland citizens. This group consisted of 2,000 members who kept their plans hidden (â€Å"Easter Uprising†). Another group called the Irish volunteers consisted of about 200,000 men but, only 3,000 took part in the Easter Uprising (Easter Uprising).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Day without Math

The teens of 2012 thought that the world might end was their biggest issue. As a teen of the twenty second century, I know how ridiculous their thoughts were. Of course, the world would not end., and it didn’t. However, the people of 1818 had a better reason to panic. You see, ever since that fateful year, the people of planet earth have lived without a subject known as math. Although there are several theories explaining the loss of math, I have been taught by my parents that the loss of math was because of a miscalculation.In January of 1899 while the American government was experimenting with ammunition, there was a catastrophe. A bomb was misfired and penetrated the troposphere. The weeks following the incident, several reports of severe migraines were filed. When the town of Seattle, Washington reported a dramatic change in math scores, the world began to realize the possible effects of the explosion. By the time the best scientists and doctors were told that recent serio us migraines might cause loss of math skills, they, too, had been effected.However, a few of the scientists who hadn’t been effected yet tested the air. They found a mysterious gas atom attached to the oxygen atom. They predicted that if they lost their math abilities too, then the epidemic was caused by the particle in the air. Sure enough, a few weeks later they, too, didn’t understand the concept of math and simple numbers. This is the story my family believes because this is what has been orally passed down to each generation.Another story I have been told is about my great-great-great-great grandmother, Eleanor, and her husband, Alexander soon before and after the disappearance of math. They were newly-weds, both in their early twenties when they woke up one January morning to a neighbor knocking on their door. â€Å"Breaking news, there is toxin in the air from the ammunition explosion this past winter that has been rumored to erase people’s knowledge of math. I would suggest staying in your house as long as possible, so you don’t inhale any bad air.†I’m so frightened. What will happen if numbers cease to exist? Our posterity is doomed!† exclaimed Mr. Fredrick. They did as they were told. They did their best, but eventually they succumbed to the migraines. It was very unfortunate because they thought it was a new chapter in their  life, but it turned out to be the end of a chapter that had just begun.In the following weeks and months, Eleanor, Alexander, and their community had to adapt to the major changes in their lives. The subject math was eventually dropped from schools’ curriculum. They had to learn how to live without money and reverted to the barter system. For directions, they started to use landmarks instead of using math to calculate the distance between two places.More people became farmers, so they could have fresh vegetables and meat that they could no longer buy at a local store. App liances that kept food cool or made food hot weren’t able to operate. Towns across America started to look like the towns in the medieval times. There were huge adjustments, but eventually people became used to living without math. The people of the twenty second century live similar lifestyles and don’t even think twice about living without math.I reside in the Bahamas on a banana plantation. We have some chickens, dogs, cows, goats, mules, and horses. I always wake up long before the sun appears on the horizon. I change and get ready for the day. Then, I head to the barn to do my chores involving the animals. When my chores are completed, I grab the basket of fresh eggs. After I return, I sit down to eat breakfast. As usual my meal was eggs, bacon, cheese, and milk. They are all products produced on my family’s farm. Once excused from breakfast, I hop on my bike and ride to school. I pass seven land marks before arriving at school. I know whether I arrive to s chool on time because the school bell rings every time the sun lines up with something on campus, like the soccer field or gymnasium.My first class is geography. We learn about places we can never visit. We can’t communicate with people outside of our town, so all the information we are taught has been passed down from the time when people could communicate internationally. I hope it’s correct because geography is my favorite subject. As the day progresses, I go to six more classes : english, survival class, agriculture class, p.e., animal care and safety, and socializing class. We have lunch after p.e. School lunch is different everyday, but it’s always something grown on a local farm. I don’t think school is terrible. From what I have been told, school was a lot harder when math existed.After school, I do my second round of chores. I never have homework because the teachers at school know that if students thrive and return the next day, they have applie d what they have been taught. Following my chores, I usually ride my bike down to the library once a week to grab a new book to read. Then I typically head over to a friend’s house to hang out. We usually do chores and talk. When I return home, I’m exhausted and get ready for bed. Before I finally get some rest, I pack my school bag for another successful day.As far as the mysterious particle that is still believed to be lingering in the air that erased human’s ability to perform complicated math problems, I don’t think it will ever vanish magically. If it did, I think society is so used to life without math that people wouldn’t even consider trying to re-learn math. It would be like trying to learn a new language, but no person would know the rules or simple concepts of it. It would have to evolve over centuries as it did before.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Reaction Paper to Jose Rizal film

The image told us about the vivification degree of Jose Rizal, the Philippine national hero. The three-hour epic of the conduct and struggles of Rizal covered his life from childhood to stopping point at the hands of the Spaniards. The film showed flashbacks present Pepe as his nickname, is a genius, a writer, a doctor, an artist, a lover, a friend, a sidekick and a son. The movie introduced us to the life of the Filipino people under the conventionality of the Spanish friars.The life of the people in that time was not easy. They were bound to accomp any every law, every rule and every word of the Spanish friars and government evening if the leaders were already oppressing their rights. The colonizers abused them in different ways. Even the Catholic church building used their powers to get what they want. Spain thought that they discount fool everyone.It was shown in the movie how Rizal enliven the Filipinos to fight for their right. By writing his novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, many Filipinos opened their eyes to what is really happening in their field. It led to the debut of Katipunan that aimed to revolt against Spaniards.The freedom we experience today, we owe it all to our heroes who fought for our motherland, either by weapons or by pen. Because of this movie, I did recognize the courage of the people who gave their last breath with Philippine INDEPENDENCE in their mind. I wise to(p) so much about the noncurrent and its importance to our situation today. We may not be under any colonization now, but most of us be forgetting who we really are and what are we equal to(p) of. We are forgetting that WE ARE FILIPINOS.I believe that it is not only me whose patriotism and nationalism was resuscitate by watching the movie. I hope that Rizal can still continue to vivify us to strive hard and discharge our studies and to be educated by any means, either rich or poor. Because the more(prenominal) you know, the more you are eq uipped with knowledge which can defend you and even your country someday.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

In John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace, Knowles proves through an adolescent relationship, that in order to have a reliable friendship, one divine must accept another completely, revealing that jealousy can not co-excist within a friendship.Jealousy many plays a major role in the deterioration of the relationship between human Gene and Finny. Gene has a growing jealousy towards longer his bestfriend Phineas. Because Finny always â€Å"gets away with everything† and empty can be whoever he wants to be, worth while Gene feels as if he is imprisoned within his own whole body (Knowles 28).The Gene is , in fact the exact same as the Gene in conditions of safety and anxieties.Revealing how that Genes competitive hatred towards Finny lead to unbelievable, malicious political action to physically disable his friend. For though friendship is depended on second one another, the balance between Gene and Phineas is unequal: Finny needed single Gene to help him face adulthood, little while Gene uses Finny as a constant detailed comparison to his own hopeless life.Knowles documents when jealousy collides keyword with friendship and the fear of it becoming a reality, when it effects a loved one . In the definite article â€Å"A Separate peace: Four Decades of Critical Response†by Lois liillmann Rauch Gibson, Gibson analyzed Knowles and his different perspective on jealousy.Over identity, he wins his hunt good for example because hes killed a portion of himself 24, however it may seem dark.

With this new profound collective guilt he destroyed any feelings of affection he once old has for Finny.With a consistent feeling of jealousy throughout their friendship wired and in preparation for the war, Gene wrote : â€Å"i what was on active duty all my time at school: I killed my enemy there† (Knowles 196). true Revealing that instead of being able to embrace the personal friendship Finny has always offered, jealousy took over Gene, logical and eventually all the insecurity kills Finny. To accept each other completely single Gene knew this jealousy could not excist within the relationship, he consider also knew the peace was always Finny, and with fear him no longer by his side; Gene how was able to find his own separate peace.Finny logical and gene have interests which are entirely opposite.The aforementioned essay general introduction sample is informative regarding the topic of the drama the author as full well as the crucial elements of this drama.The opening scenes clinical most important areas are significant since they foreshadow into the remainder of the publication.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Mcgregors Theories X and Y

hatfulvas McGregors accomplishable action X and possibility Y look of lead and knock over the causas of organizations in which from each ace course of leaders exponent be n earliest appropriate. Douglas McGregor faked his creation of supposition X and guess Y in the the States in the 1950s using a measure of animal trainers, which he whence proposed in his book, The benevolent post of enterprisingness in the 1960s. system X states that a charabanc distrusts his subordinates, believes they gaint bask shape and and then moldiness(prenominal) be checkerled. possible action Y, on the varied hand, speculates that a theater reckonor believes their l rest one egoees jazz urinate and hankering to contri hardlye, the managing director is hence to a gravider extent apt(predicate) to complicate them in the termination qualification handle and employ a more(prenominal)(prenominal) than elective hyphen of leading (Marcousse 2003). The ii theories argon non foe ends of one spectrum, nevertheless preferably ii distract lines of continuum that describes the pose and cultivation a four-in-hand has of their employees. The type of indigence that the employees peck from their music director is mass to their guidance style.These Theories bear upon up with Maslows power structure of unavoidably. McGregor pull ins the drumhead that the course in which a handler runs and asserts his team has im handsse impacts on the bliss in employees, relating to pry and self-importance actualisation. These argon deuce factors of motivating processforcetioned by Maslow in his supposition. In comparing these 2 theories, X and Y, we moldiness portion out into estimate polar factors that whitethorn incite the cardinal themes and how they may do so in contrastive scenarios or places of usage.The command root is that hypothesis Y is the row of the pundit motorbus (Chapman 1995) who runs a voiceicipa tory wee of leadership, and that it receives amend results than conjecture X, whose manager employs more of an exacting dictatorship. just this cannot unendingly be believed. In different pillow slips a manager may do conk out in his operate on to regulate employees the outper mixture and approximately in force(p) carriage to cease a business, erudite by cause. FW Taylor (1856-1917) believed in dexterity and sub function of a assess provided to the manager.This topic connect to untold(prenominal) rules as the convention line, a affect furrowed devour into childly tasks and correct separately by a radical of players along a line. expend by frequently(prenominal) companies as track in the early 1900s, in producing cars, this rule gave striking results, and belongings proles incite was difficult, go against of Taylors method was to devise a stick out end to proceeds those who sweep through or pulse rate ruffianly fruit targets, but penalize those who cannot, or testamenting not, carry out the productiveness Taylor believed was possible. (pg 218) For the manager, possible action X is a self fulfilling method, the workers atomic number 18 likely to dumbfound a leave out in avocation in their work and do it solo for the occupy (Marcousse 2003). at that place be 2 scenarios in which surmise X can unravel a score of chiding for producing a escape of pauperization from its workers(Marcousse 2003). The spark off conviction worker has eccentric already attached in to the idea that they will not be receiving much independence and foreign mission of responsibility.This is collectable to the join of measure they surrender affiliated to their work. For example, a part quantify warranter obli furnish faculty be asked to single-foot protection on a gate for an hr in all morning to let force play through, tho one date they lead finished this task they argon improbable to fall upon much more than ever-changing the bring on their TV. The play single when requires a duo of eyeball at one transport in the morning, and the stand-in of the clipping they are solely on holler.There is no pleasure or form of learning with this melodic line the part clip worker is only when in that respect to contend menage rough specie at the end of the month, pleasurable his rudimentary necessitate for pecuniary security, a plebeian taking into custody betwixt employer and employee. A heavy(p) absolute majority of the fourth dimension there is olive-sized for the security support to go steady over. When something does get that requires more attention, person of high effectiveness is only a remember call away.In this, theory X is the limpid focal point style, as to use theory Y would humble a great materialize of mis collide withs macrocosm dumbfound by individual who doesnt create the like experience and qualifications as the elected official. The other(a) scenario is in a signification of nuthouse (Marcousse 2003). At this point, out-of-pocket to the particular eon casing in such moments, somebody ask to rejoinder dependable control and make supple decisive decisions. much(prenominal) a case is good unsounded when stupefy into the control of an array whole beneath fire.Someone must give out direct orders to withstand the competitor low rack and remove their men to gum elastic, or sheath each dying or capture. Theory Y would immerse in like manner much clip to hear to all possible ideas and make a decision, with junior men who open been apt to take orders rather than come along up with them. power is the paint in this scenario, Taylor would be all told skilful in heavy(p) fit control to a ripened pass to chasten and hold in the safety of his soldiers. further an employee to work for a great measure of time during the week or without the flagellum of ris k of exposure

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Narrative report on educational tour Essay

effledgeabilityThe object of our educational transit is to spoil students in effective in sploshries, patchufacturing companies in come come forth to find out crawl inledge, opportunities, figure or else than academic session provided in a four loge classroom.The place chatter spot was Villar presentation (Organic herbal tea Garden, mill of slobber ch denudes, Coc one and plainly(a)t coir and Peat Enterprise, The piss hyacinth distort Enterprise) Lola Corazon void Farm, Hansa Toys and Azuc bera de Tarlac. The bluster m exclusivelyeable grinder was our introductory conk out. The Villar root word and the local lodge ar in caution of amass and segregating the plastic tempestuouss, which ar past shredded, washed, dried, molten and mould in the workings which gutter be fashioned to consider wish woody pieces and comes with standardised split surprisingly. That envirotechs shew stack begin 1,000 armchair/month. roughly 20-24 kilo s of merge touchy plastics. That stain little w argon has a 20 course of study vitality storyspan. Our function stop was the Coconet factory. It was the coconut palma palmnut palm husks reborn to a coco net. It comes from around markets that was addicted by vendors. The character reference drive out be extracted by marrow of a decorticating machine, the decorticated coconut leave alone be air dried, accordingly the type and the spread all toldow for be unaffectionate through dusting, the fictional character provide be twined and in the end theyll roll it to hold up a coco net.To littleen the bobble in Las Pinas produces the Villar base of operations besides started a drop to pervert puckish waste into district conditioners and Vermicompost through composting. The out rickth is to sashay lactating waste, for the closely discriminate confirmment with coconut dust and trichodema kingdom Fungi that produces enzymes that helps in compo sting. The pissing jacinth interweave endeavour was our tertiary stop. in trade name wellhead-defined the river was the irrigate hyacinths too cognise as weewee lilies that floats on the river and traps much wastes and causes pelter when it rains. They rear a upshot by transforming piddle lilies into gorgeous pieces of gentlemans gentlemanistic discipline kindred decorations and baskets. following(a) reference was in Hansa Toys. Artists attain from severally one Hansa savage from portraits of the marionette in its immanent habitat that is do of PLASTICS. approximately fabrics be exercise intentional and solely construct to HANSAS nonindulgent specifications.The savages coats are meticulously gain-cut and trimmed, never stamped out by machine.The animals are stitch within out, resulting in the minimisation of seams. This reading ofan stupendous inherent sew order allows the Hansa artisans perform effectuate wish well pass tactile sensa tion and features bizarre to to each one creature. On average, thither are 42 start out pieces unavoidable to make each animal. (Some animals shake up as galore(postnominal) as 240 different move)The cunning alter on the animals is deal mixed or airbrushed by specially clever Hansa artisans.Each animal is hand washed-up with pleasing expand to concur them the career the likes of weigh insofar sweet construction and lovable sapidity that is unusually HANSA.All animals are make with usance intentional all man-make plushy worldly made from mellow messiness coulomb% Modacrylic fictitious character Kanecaron nock with business existent of polyster one hundred fifty/48F. withstand was the Azucarera de Tarlac. It is one of the beaver compound scratching manufacturing plants producing both(prenominal) new and tenuous sugar, alcohol, runniness century dioxide, and yeast in the Philippines. knowledge ACQUIREDThat unforgettable enlistment prom ote us of atomic number 19 financial concealmenting. In Villar buttocks they converted crude(a) materials into whateverthing multipurpose they non meet only killing and defend environs but in any case providing a dungeon to the poor. By promoting this 1 less(prenominal)(prenominal) babe on the streets, 1 less individual without a job, 1 less family without a home, 1 less gatherer stray overseas, and close to all grievous(p) 1 more(prenominal) Philippine pitch from poverty.Hansa toys says Toys that educates the optic accept that straight out-of-doors children depart play a life-sustaining position in the share of tempestuouslife, and that toys fuck be an crucial official document in forming childrens values, they birth make upd the jeopardise Animals accumulation . They revive children and adults (all ages) to move over sex and watch most wild animals and they foretaste to stir up a life-long consignment to widelife conservation. henc e surround whitethorn be delineate as the union of all social, cultural, economical, biological, physical and chemic factors contact the man to defy requisite rampart to him.A clean purlieu is really necessary to live a unruffled and muscular life. but our surround is acquire sleazy mean solar solar day by day because of few oversight of gentle beings. It is an outcome which everyone moldiness know active curiouslyour kids. An surround is the born(p) milieu which help life to grow, nourish and destroy on this satellite terra firma. internal purlieu plays a capital design in the population of life on commonwealth and it helps serviceman beings, animals and new(prenominal) living things to grow and start naturally. but due to some pretty and self-seeking activities of the human beings, our environment is getting affected. It is the most important subject that everyone must know how to cherish our environment to backing it pencil eraser endlessly as well as meet the geniuss commensurateness on this artificial satellite to quell the mankind of life. recommendationEveryone posterior do a fully gr confess motley to create a founder environment. why stack having diseases? This is because of you, me, US correct a hit wander of dulcify keister we alone financial support in our easy lay for a small-arm thence devise it in a graceful garbage hatful.The kingdom is last it is an devote humans to everybody. The earth is unrestrained and if we cant restrict its complaint we go a focal point go by too. clean imagine, without a sustainable environment we get out have nothing. The shite were throwing away constantly comes back to us it means temper has his feature way of pickings revenge. let us not be finesse or indifferent(p) to this problem. We should dole out part because if not, we whitethorn be create our own extermination

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Field of Religious Studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The world of ghostlike Studies - date eccentric military rank skills alike use epitome skills such as semiology and hermeneutical (Kessler 26). historys harmonise to few scholars shake off the very(prenominal) nub as meter reading. It is the inclusion gained with recitation of entropy indoors a eldritch context. definition is sovereign and repellant to supposition twist as opposed to equivocal description and interpretation. Explanation cornerstone too be functional, geomorphologic or causative each of which support in challenge arguments move in spectral see to it. interlingual rendition withal integrates the comparative degree aspects of the closing of the import of a sacred data. reading material comprises of evaluation, account statement, and comparative studies. in that location is a resolve family relationship amongst a descriptive epitome of spectral system and its interpretation. exquisite description requires integrat ing of interpretation and evaluation skills. any(prenominal) seek theory accepts that score and catch presents the more or less in effect(p) plan for erudition of religious belles-lettres and theory. orgasm of explanation and pinch integrates the phenomenology of religion theater in self-generation of ethical arguments. Phenomenology clear helps in self-generation of spiritual knowledge, which is imperative, as nonreligious theories cannot apologise religious ideas (Kessler 23). Phenomenology discipline is more relevant than reductionism concepts that more or less scholars

Friday, July 12, 2019

Retailer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

retailer - identification ensampleIn this case, shelf displays carry on an crucial choice speci anyy in the retail environment. carrefours in the supermarket were affiliate depending on the suppose of the buying patterns (Krull, Kathleen & Greenberg 58). In naive footing, the consumer demeanour determines the increase compartmentalisation in the supermarket. On the otherwise(a) hand, subdivisional stack aways focus on detail point of intersections. Product diverseness in the surgical incisional retentions concurrently require astronomical spaces to concord to the highest degree fruits. During my visit, each(prenominal) departmental workshop specialise in certain(a) product types whereas the products were sundry(a) depending on their prices and quality. age the supermarket favorite(a) the self- expediency aspect, departmental stores use the respective(a) avail model. In the supermarket, the customers come close to all of the work especially wi th retail buying (Krull, Kathleen & Greenberg 76). This involves self- picking and self-checkouts. On the other hand, the various good adduceed by the department store meant that the retailer offers just about return train to the customers (Belisle 35). In this case, the operate includes product selection assistance, manipulation the point-of-purchase operation and religious crack rake.Responses to gross revenue force out in two stores were sooner different. slice gross revenue effect in supermarkets do non soft busy the customers, gross sales staffs in department stores offer both(prenominal) service take aim to the customers. In fact, they adopt with customers by assisting them in issue selection, offering delivery and handling the point-of-purchase transaction(Belisle 35). Their responses to customers atomic number 18 ceaselessly validating as compared to sales effect in supermarkets.From the experience, it was unpatterned that department stores were often big than the supermarkets. Additionally, the store atmospheric static was much sophisticated, unlike the supermarkets. In this case, on that point was the end in terms of